JD the rascal is here……

And he came kicking and screaming into the world like a bad boy.

You all know i moan about the past endiscopys i have had done.  Never ever again will i complain.  This was truely the most horrific thing i have ever been through.

They didnt give me enough anesthetic.  I dont know if that was because what happened yesterday and they were being cautious. Or if it was a huge error on their behalf.  But i felt everything they did.  When they took hermione out they yanked her so hard i thought my chest was gonna come with her. 

Thats when i first startex screaming.  And i only stopped screaming to cry like a newborn. 

I dont really have anyone i hate. But if i did i wouldnt even wish that on them. 

Its setiously effected my breathing.  Not sure if its a combination of pain stress and shock and yesterdays drama,  but 3 hours later im on oxygen and still shaking. 

I had high hopes for this year healthwise.  This weekend is just another battle im having to face.

So here he is, Jubilee Dave.  I had such a hard time naming him.  Not that i want to go through this ever again, but reality had taught me it may happen again.  I already have the next two names lined up.  See it was such a hard choice this time. 

Hes meant to be in the same site but i have a feeling hes more to the right. He feels more under my armpit this time round. 

Im waiting to go down for dialysis and im dreading it.  I know hes gonna be a rebel.  Hes gonna hurt as hes sore now. I have barely moved my right arm and ive put a vest top on so nothing moves.

Fingers crossed eh.

Love a sore jellyfish xx

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